Webmaster's note: These trivia items were obtained from the Harmonet Archives and written by CC Becky.

Quartet Names

Before I joined SAI, 4 ladies in the Prairie Winds chorus formed a quartet. As they were searching for a name, they decided on "rainbow"something. But in the list of registered SAI names, there was every kind of rainbow you could think of. So the tenor, LaRee, (my best friend) suggested "Crystal Image". When the lead and bass had to be replaced a year later, I came on board a few months after my first regional in 1983. We lost our bass after contest the next year, and when our new bass joined us, we wanted to change the name. She said, "But I want to be a Crystal, too!" So LaRee suggested the name Crystal Collection. As of 1998, LaRee has collected 8 former Crystals (some of whom are still singing and competing in other cities), a first place regional medal, several second place medals, a third place medal, and two trips to International Competition, and we are still singing and competing, now with the two newest Crystals who joined the quartet a year ago. Either we're stupid or stubborn, but just can't get competing out of the blood! Love it, love it, love it!

Bizarre Performances

Wow-- After singing in the same quartet for 15 years, I could write a book! Crystal Collection has come to expect a disaster right before we go onstage at Regional contest. One year, our tenor had an allergic reaction to the anti- static spray we used in the warm-up room. One year, our bari dropped a whole box of face powder down the front of her black satin skirt and instead of warming up, we were beating her with towels! One year I leaned over a counter to check my lipstick and got a huge water spot on the front of my dress. When they called our name, the backstage manager was still blowing and fanning! This year, our tenor lost her voice the day of contest. She didn't sing a note all day. Several of the other quartets swept into our room that afternoon bearing "singers' tea", a personal humidifier, and other tips and helps. One group took her to another lady in our region who did a specialized massage. That night, we didn't know if she could make a sound until we started. She made it through the whole set, even nailing the high G hanger on Jazz Me Blues and getting a comment on her bravery from one of the judges (who, of course, had no idea she had laryngitis!). When we got offstage, she still couldn't talk! But I did enough hollering for both of us when we got 5th place. (I, the eternal pessimist, had us pegged around 10th).

Common Language?
Several years ago, my quartet went to the SAI Convention (for fun) and happened to be in the hotel lobby with members of a British chorus. Of course, we "talked shop", and we asked them about a quartet from their region that broke up. The British ladies said that "they didn't get on," to which all four of us West Texas girls replied, "Get on what?"

How Many in Your Quartet?

I was amused when Ron in WIRED FOR SOUND said he had 5 in his quartet. I think he spoke figuratively. My quartet really does have five. Crystal Collection has been together for two years, and has NEVER competed without someone being pregnant onstage. Same will go for the Buckeye whan we compete there in August. Maybe we'll go onstage at regional next spring with only four. Wonder if we'd lose our edge? ; )

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